International Symposium on ALS/MND 2024

The International Symposium on ALS/MND took place over three days, December 6-8, 2024, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. This year's symposium started with a Welcome from Dr. Ammar Al-Chalabi (UK) and Brian Dickie (UK) of the Motor Neuron Disease Association (MNDA) and from Tammy Moore (Canada) CEO of the ALS Society of Canada.

Terry Heiman-Patterson and Sara Feldman attended the International Symposium in person and Sara co-chaired the Clinical Session on Improving Clinical Management with Dr. Christian Lunetta (Italy). 
Watch our International Symposium Instagram/Facebook reel here.

We are pleased to note that the genetic ALS community had a strong presence at the International Meetings both in-person and virtually. Throughout the week of meetings, End the Legacy members Jean Swidler, Cassandra Haddad, and Mindy Uhrlaub gave presentations, participated in panel discussions and presented posters. It is amazing to see how far this amazing group has come in such a short time!

The Veteran ALS Action Committee had two posters displayed at this year’s event, and the VAAC was well represented by Mandi Bailey, Jill Brattain, Tim Abeska, and Katrina Byrd. The ALS Hope Foundation is honored to support this group.